367,106 research outputs found

    The composing process of technical writers: A preliminary study

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    The assumption that technical writers compose as do other writers is tested. The literature on the composing process, not limited to the pure or applied sciences, was reviewed, yielding three areas of general agreement. The composing process (1) consists of several stages, (2) is reflexive, and (3) may be mastered by means of strategies. Data on the ways technical writers compose were collected, and findings were related to the three areas of agreement. Questionnaires and interviews surveying 70 writers were used. The disciplines represented by these writers included civil, chemical, agricultural, geological, mechanical, electrical, and petroleum engineering, chemistry, hydrology, geology, and biology. Those providing consulting services, or performing research. No technical editors or professional writers were surveyed, only technicians, engineers, and researchers whose jobs involved composing reports. Three pedagogical implications are included

    Jacobs at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

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    Jacobs provides engineering, scientific and technical services to NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama, on the Engineering Services and Science Capability Augmentation contract. A Prime Contractor at MSFC since 1989, Jacobs supports marquee NASA programs, including the Space Launch System, International Space Station, space optics fabrication, earth and space sciences and advanced propulsion system development. Jacobs also operates and maintains NASA’s Materials Mechanical Test Facility, supporting a wide range of material development, materials science and testing; and manages the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor observation facility

    Ingenieurabsolventinnen im Beruf : Betriebe in der Schweiz auf dem Weg zu einer gendergerechten Unternehmenskultur

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    This project attempts to contribute to how innovative companies can reduce the job market barriers for female engineers, that are still in place in Switzerland even though there is a shortage of qualified workers. Although the conditions seem to be advantageous, empirical studies show that female professionals are challenged by bigger problems than their male colleagues. Not only during their academic studies, but also afterwards, in the working environment, gender differences arise. Potential female students anticipate these opportunities. The project focuses on how important non-technical knowledge and non-technical competences are for female engineers in order to create and sustain a gender-just and motivating work environment. Non-technical knowledge, understood here as contextual knowledge and expertise from fields such as social sciences and the humanities, is asked of graduates of the degree programs of engineering (we are looking at the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering of Universities of Applied Science UAS). It is expected of women (and increasingly of young men) to acquire these competences during their studies. Additionally, the holistic relation of products and services, a gender-sensitive corporate culture and -structure, and a sustainable communication is viewed as paramount by (potential) employers. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to focus on the perspective of companies (two corporate case studies) on the one hand, and on the perspective of female engineers from the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering on the other. Varied methods were used to receive the results. The results show that while functional aspects and motivating tasks are important, non-functional aspects and non-technical skills seem to be of even greater importance for the attractiveness of companies, a motivating work environment and the interdisciplinary education of students. Multiple courses of action are proposed.Ingenieurinnen sind in der Arbeitswelt der Schweiz nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. Zum einen, weil es wenig Frauen gibt, die ein technisches Studium wählen. Zum anderen zeigen empirische Studien, dass der Berufseinstieg für Ingenieurinnen schwieriger ist, und dass sich ihre Karrieren langsamer und weniger befriedigend entwickeln als bei ihren Studienkollegen. Das Projekt "Ingenieurabsolventinnen im Beruf" zeigt Massnahmen auf, wie technische Betriebe in der Schweiz ihre Unternehmenskultur gendergerecht ausgestalten können. Die technischen Hochschulen erhalten Empfehlungen, welche Kompetenzen den Ingenieurstudentinnen im Studium vermittelt und welche Massnahmen ergriffen werden müssen, um den Übergang in das Berufsleben zu erleichtern. Die Untersuchung hat ergeben, dass junge Ingenieurinnen gerne in Betrieben und Teams arbeiten, in denen eine kooperative Arbeits- und Organisationskultur gepflegt wird, sie durch anspruchsvolle Aufgaben herausgefordert sind und ihre Laufbahnplanung ernst genommen wird. Ihnen ist wichtig, dass sich ihre künftige Führungsfunktion mit einer Familie vereinbaren lässt, dass Führungskräfte im Betrieb über Genderkompetenz verfügen und dass ein fortschrittliches Image sowie Gleichstellung als Unternehmensziel kommuniziert wird. In Bezug auf die Ausbildung kommt die Studie zum Schluss, dass junge Frauen gerne an technischen Fachhochschulen studieren, in denen Technik und Gesellschaft aufeinander bezogen werden, soziale und kommunikative Kompetenzen einen grossen Stellenwert haben und wo sie lernen, geschickt auf stereotype Erwartungen zu reagieren. Sie legen Wert auf Praktika in technischen Betrieben und wollen auf Führungs- und Projektleitungsfunktionen gut vorbereitet werden. Entsprechende Massnahmen im Studium wie auch in den Unternehmen haben Signalwirkung für technisch interessierte Frauen, welche ein Studium an einer technischen Hochschule in Erwägung ziehen.This project attempts to contribute to how innovative companies can reduce the job market barriers for female engineers, that are still in place in Switzerland even though there is a shortage of qualified workers. Although the conditions seem to be advantageous, empirical studies show that female professionals are challenged by bigger problems than their male colleagues. Not only during their academic studies, but also afterwards, in the working environment, gender differences arise. Potential female students anticipate these opportunities. The project focuses on how important non-technical knowledge and non-technical competences are for female engineers in order to create and sustain a gender-just and motivating work environment. Non-technical knowledge, understood here as contextual knowledge and expertise from fields such as social sciences and the humanities, is asked of graduates of the degree programs of engineering (we are looking at the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering of Universities of Applied Science UAS). It is expected of women (and increasingly of young men) to acquire these competences during their studies. Additionally, the holistic relation of products and services, a gender-sensitive corporate culture and -structure, and a sustainable communication is viewed as paramount by (potential) employers. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to focus on the perspective of companies (two corporate case studies) on the one hand, and on the perspective of female engineers from the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering on the other. Varied methods were used to receive the results. The results show that while functional aspects and motivating tasks are important, non-functional aspects and non-technical skills seem to be of even greater importance for the attractiveness of companies, a motivating work environment and the interdisciplinary education of students. Multiple courses of action are proposed

    2021 Intern Program Jacobs NASA ESSCA Contract Marshall Space Flight Center

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    NASA’S mission is Jacobs mission! Jacobs provides engineering, scientific and technical services to NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama, on the Engineering Services and Science Capability Augmentation (ESSCA) contract. A Prime Contractor at MSFC since 1989, Jacobs supports marquee NASA programs, including the Space Launch System (SLS), International Space Station, space optics fabrication, earth and space sciences and advanced propulsion system development. Jacobs also operates and maintains NASA’s Materials Mechanical Test Facility, supporting a wide range of material development, materials science and testing. And we lead NASA’s Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Team, studying space phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts in the universe

    Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes, February 6, 2014

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    Department of Agricultural Systems Technology and Education New Course Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences Title Change, Course Description Change Title Change, Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change School of Applied Sciences, Technology and Education New Course Department of Accounting Grade Mode Change Department of Economic and Finance Prerequisite Change Course Number Change, Prerequisite Change Course Number Change, Title Change, Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education New Course Prerequisite Change Title Change, Prerequisite Change, Course Description Change Prerequisite Change Department of Psychology New Course School of Teacher Education and Leadership Credit Hour Change Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Add Multiple List Inactivate Course Delete Course Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Inactivate Course Department of Languages, Philosophy and Communication Studies New Course University Studies Request Department of Environment and Society New Course Department of Watershed Sciences Prerequisite Change Department of Wildland Resources Credit Hour Change, Prerequisite Change Prerequisite Change Prerequisite Change, Course Number Change Department of Chemistry New Course Department of Mathematics and Statistics New Course Other Changing the name of the Online Master of Science in English with Specialization in Technical Writing to Master of Technical Communication Discontinuing the Plan C Options in the MS Degree in Mathematics and the MS Degree in Statistics Restructuring the PhD in Mathematical Sciences by reducing the number of credits required Dual Listed Course

    CDIO Experiences in Biomedical Engineering: Preparing Spanish Students for the Future of Medicine and Medical Device Technology

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    Biomedical engineering is one of the more recent fields of engineering, aimed at the application of engineering principles, methods and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes, mainly as a support for preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic tasks. Biomedical engineering professionals are expected to achieve, during their studies and professional practice, considerable knowledge of both health sciences and engineering. Studying biomedical engineering programmes, or combining pre-graduate studies in life sciences with graduate studies in engineering, or vice versa, are typical options for becoming qualified biomedical engineering professionals, although there are additional interesting alternatives, to be discussed. According to our experience, the graduates and post-graduates from multidisciplinary engineering programmes, not just from biomedical engineering, but also from more traditional fields including industrial, mechanical and telecommunications engineering, can play varied and very relevant roles in the biomedical industry and in extremely complex biomedical device development projects. In spite of the different ways of becoming a professional of the biomedical engineering field, it is true that their impact as successful professionals can be importantly increased, by means of an adequate integration into their curricula of fundamental biomedical engineering design concepts, methodologies and good practices, applied to the development of biomedical devices. In this study we present the complete development and comparative study of three courses, belonging to different plans of study taught at the Technical University of Madrid and benefiting from using a CDIO approach focused on the development of biomedical devices. The three courses are “Development of Medical Devices”, “Bioengineering Design” and “Biomedical Engineering”, respectively belonging to the “Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering”, to the “Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering” and to the “Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering”. During the courses, groups of students live through the development process of different biomedical devices aimed at providing answers to relevant social needs. Depending on their background and European credits assigned to the different courses, students carry out more conceptual projects or are able to live through more complete CDIO experiences. Main benefits, lessons learned and future challenges, linked to these courses, are analyzed, taking account of the results from 2014-2015 academic year

    Writing, Calculating and Peer Feedback in a Mathematically-oriented Course for Process Engineers: Raising Motivation and Initiating Processes of Thinking and Learning

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    Writing assignments can be seen as an important component of learning processes. Especially in the fields of engineering and sciences, writing assignments have the potential to consolidate subject-specific skills and to enhance motivation for solving technical problems. This paper introduces readers to a revised course structure that aims to strengthen motivation and mathematical understanding through written peer feedback based on mathematical exercises with written elements. The assignment was developed for the course Computational Fluid Dynamics in Process Engineering, a mathematically-oriented course for Master students of theoretical mechanical engineering and process engineering. Since the learning content was perceived as complex, students seemed to lack motivation in preparing for the course with the provided exercises. This paper suggests – based on the collected data, consisting of answers to mathematical problems, feedback texts, evaluation results, teachers’ observation, and examination results – that the introduced assignment enhances students’ understanding and has a positive impact on students’ motivation to solve the mathematical exercises

    The Development Of an Enzyme Catalase Kit For Engineering Students at Technical-Vocational Schools

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    This study aims to develop an enzyme catalase kit (ECK) for engineering students at a technical-vocational school in Makassar. The goals of the ECK are: 1) to identify the sources of the enzyme catalase contained in the environment; 2) to test the effect of temperature of the activity of the enzyme catalase; and 3) to test the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme catalase. The engineering students mostly focus their academic efforts on mechanical, electrical or computer engineering. However, some technical-vocational schools still require students to learn some basic natural sciences. An additional learning kit is necessary to deliver the natural sciences subjects to these engineering students. The development process of the ECK was done by using ADDIE models. This research was conducted in a technical-vocational school laboratory from March to August 2016. The researchers assigned two experts to rate the quality of the kit. The result indicated that the enzyme catalase kit was valid, practical and effective for the engineering students

    The development of an enzyme catalase kit for engineering students at technical-vocational schools

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    This study aims to develop an enzyme catalase kit (ECK) for engineering students at a technical-vocational school in Makassar. The goals of the ECK are: 1) to identify the sources of the enzyme catalase contained in the environment; 2) to test the effect of temperature of the activity of the enzyme catalase; and 3) to test the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme catalase. The engineering students mostly focus their academic efforts on mechanical, electrical or computer engineering. However, some technical-vocational schools still require students to learn some basic natural sciences. An additional learning kit is necessary to deliver the natural sciences subjects to these engineering students. The development process of the ECK was done by using ADDIE models. This research was conducted in a technical-vocational school laboratory from March to August 2016. The researchers assigned two experts to rate the quality of the kit. The result indicated that the enzyme catalase kit was valid, practical and effective for the engineering students

    Провидец и укротитель электрического разряда на службе алмазному шлифованию (к 90-летию со дня рождения выдающегося украинского ученого-машиностроителя, организатора-разработчика метода, технологии и станков алмазно-искрового шлифования Николая Кирилловича Беззубенко)

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    Статья посвящена профессиональной деятельности и служению науке выдающегося украинского ученого-машиностроителя и просветителя высшей технической школы, профессора, доктора технических наук Беззубенко Николая Кирилловича – создателя, разработчика, исследователя и проводника в промышленность метода, технологий и станков алмазно-искрового шлифования, непревзойденного по возможностям обеспечения производительности и качества абразивной обработки высокотвердых материалов повышенной функциональности, технологической надежности процесса изготовления и эксплуатационной долговечности деталей машин.The article is devoted to professional activity and service to the science of professor, doctor of technical sciences Bezzubenko Nikolai Kirillovich, who is an outstanding Ukrainian scientist in mechanical engineering and enlightener of the higher technical school – creator, developer, researcher and conductor in the industry of method, technology and machines of diamond-spark grinding, unsurpassed in terms of productivity and quality abrasive processing of high-hard materials of increased functionality, technological reliability of the manufacturing process and operational durability of machine parts